Recent Cyber-attacks: Data Breaches and Ransomware Attacks

The New Year has arrived, and cybercriminals have returned with a vengeance. January 2023 has provided us with an exhaustive list of cyber-attacks, ransomware attacks, and data breaches documented on this website.

Recent Cyber-attacks

At the start of 2023, many high-profile organizations, such as medical suppliers, schools, and public bodies, were victims of Recent Cyber attack. On this page, we have outlined recent significant attacks, such as ransomware-related threats and data breaches in January 2023. If any data was accessible, we have also provided details about who committed these crimes and their business implications.

As always, our purpose is not to cause anxiety or create fear. This information reminds us that ransomware attacks and cyber-attacks continue to become more frequent, making it increasingly urgent for you to take steps to safeguard your business by 2023. By staying informed, implementing security measures, and training employees accordingly, companies worldwide can reduce their vulnerability to these attacks.

If you need assistance improving your cyber security posture or creating and revising policies, plans, and procedures for cyber incidents, The Virtual Cyber Assistant can make this easy and economical with tools like The Virtual Cyber Assistant. Their virtual reality experts will conduct risk assessments and test if you’re prepared for a breach. Furthermore, you can use their services to guarantee compliance and be ready to take on various cybersecurity certifications.

Ransomware attacks

Here is a list of the top Recent Cyber-attacks, ransomware attacks, and data breaches from January 2023.

  • Ransomware attacks in January 2023
  • Data Breaches in January 2023
  • Recent Cyber-attacks in January 2023
  • New Ransomware/Malware was discovered in January 2023.
  • Vulnerabilities/Patches in Place
  • Reports, advisories, and analyses for January 2023.

Ransomware-related attacks can be devastating to businesses both financially and reputationally. Yet they can be prevented by following best practices like regular application updates, backing up files regularly, activating firewalls, taking care with attachments to emails, using secure passwords, using pop-up blockers and anti-virus software, and exercising caution when clicking links. Accepting these measures will guard you against ransomware attacks while keeping sensitive company data secure.

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